Thanks Glenn Moulds for the list-if you have any further information and can help update the list please contact us
The information and comments are based on various sources (some not so reliable). Please advise if incorrect or require updating
Adeney JV2 (SA) 1973
Agshe (NSW) 1971 Believed to be based on a Mako
Allget (NSW) 1977 Built by Verona Larkin and mechanic Geoff (Folklaw, Name- You can All Get ********)
Argosy (VIC) 1978 Renamed Venom for sponsor IPEC.
Argus (VIC) 1968
Aulcor (NSW) 1968
Avanti (NSW) 1982 Built by John Wright in Gosford.
B & S (NSW) 1968 see Bee S.
Bab (NSW) 1969 Believed thiswas the Newton renamed.
Ballantyne (NSW) 1973
Bangalow NSW agent for Nimbus were Bangalow Motors, some cars entered under this name.
BAP (NSW) 1982
Bardahl (NSW) 1969
Barron (NSW?) 1983 Raced by Alan and Lynne Cutts.
BCM Phantom (VIC) 1973 Maurie Fordham?
BCMS 1968
BCMV as above
Beach (USA) 1966 Originally entered by Alan Hamilton VIC.
Bee S (NSW) 1967 Believed to be the same as B & S .
Bee Vee (NSW) 1967 Believed to be a Nota chassis and Mako body
Bono (NSW) 1966 Originally called Jay Bee.
Borus (NSW) 1968
Bowren (NSW) 1979
Bradley (VIC) 1970 Paul Bradley
Butcher (NSW) 1967 Built by A Butcher?
Cann (VIC) 1967
Cebco (VIC) 1974
Cee Bee (NSW) 1965 Original name for Rennmax Vees (Cusack/Burr)
CMS (VIC) 1966 Cullen Marine Services
Concept (NSW) 1982 Originally built by Greg McCombie and Steve Cramp with later chassis by Greg only
Cur (NSW) 1967 Built by Barry Turner (Later renamed Tur)
CuVee (NSW) 1983
D B (NSW) 1967 Believed to be a Porter chassis prototype renamed
Dalmac (NSW) 1967 Believed to be a Nota with Mako-type nose.
Dandy Volks Vee (VIC) Renamed Kingfisher
Daveric (VIC) 1974
Dee Vee (NSW) 1967
DeHalb (VIC) 1968
Delta (VIC) 1978
Dewal SOS (VIC or TAS?) 1979
Diemen (TAS) 1968
Dieterbilt (NSW) 1969 Possibly a Mako?
DNV (NSW) 1975 David Voysey
DTV (VIC) 1977 Dennis Tipping
Eagle (TAS) 1973
EB (VIC) 1976
Elfin (SA) Dec 1965 (500) / 1976 (NG)
Enlock (SA) 1974
F P (VIC) 1968 Bob Prendergast?
Fatouros (NSW) 1967
Finesse (NSW) 1972 Built by Dave Dunsmore.
Formcar (USA) 1965 First Vee raced in Australia Sept 1965.
Forum (NSW) 1969 Possibly something else renamed (Shortland).
Fox (NSW) 1980 Built by Chad Hartup from plans by Dick Renard (USA)
FST (NSW) 1976 Renamed Mako by Bernie Cashin.
G T (NSW) 1969 Believed to be a renamed Rennmax of Terry Boom
GAD (VIC) 1973 Built by Gary Dubois.
GAD (NSW) 1970 Possibly CMS renamed (Dawson).
GAS (NSW) 1975 Modified Lynx from USA
GDV (NSW) 1971
Gee/GV/GV1 (NSW) 1976
Gena (NSW) 1968
Geneer (VIC) 1966
Goblin (TAS) 1969
Granger (NSW) 1977 Built with two other cars branded Ranger
Grant (NSW) 1971 Believed to be a renamed Mako (Peter Williams?)
Grant (NSW) 1975 Built by Doug Grant.
Greemax (NSW) 1971 Believed to be a rennmax-based by Larry Greenhalgh.
Gremlin (TAS) 1967
Griffin (VIC) 1969
Hahn (USA) 1968 Renamed Formcar imported from Germany by Bernie Haehnle.
Hale (NSW) 1982
Hodge (NSW) 1968
Hook (NSW) 1970 Also known as FVee Special, built by John Hook. Second Kleinig Vee after John sold it to Bob Barnett it was then named a Mako
Hyperform (VIC) 1973 Peter Ward
Jamel (NSW) 1983
Jay Bee (NSW) 1966 Original name for Bono, built by Jack Bono.
Kaeffer (TAS) 1970
Kennedy (SA) 1977
Kingfischer (VIC) 1979 Built by Andrew Fischer.
Kleinig (NSW) 1965
KM (NSW) 1972 Maybe a rebadged Mako? (Kevin Miller)
Knight (NSW) 1975
Lahford (TAS) 1973
Lamco (VIC) 1967
Lepton (SA) 1976
M & H Special (TAS) 1967
Mac (QLD?) 1976
Magic (VIC) 1969
Mako (NSW) 1967 (Mk1) / 1979 (Mk2)
Malmark (VIC) 1968
Malmark Elfin (VIC) 1971
Manta (TAS) 1970
Manta (NSW?) 1973 Not sure if this was a Tasmanian-built Manta.
MBV (VIC) 1975
MJM (NSW) 1969
Monarch (NSW) 1970
Moxon (NSW) 1969 Built by John Moxon beleived to be a Mk1 Mako Chassis -additional bracing and a Nota body
Myca (VIC) 1969
N S (NSW) 1983
Naimah (NSW) 1973
National (VIC) 1978 Mauri Fordham
Newton (NSW) 1967 Believed to be a Bono chassis with Mako body.
Nimbus (SA) 1970
Nota (NSW) 1965
Nota Avanti (NSW) 1969 The ex-Bonthorpe Tee Vee (Nota) re-named by Barry Hickson.
P J (VIC) 1966 Built by Peter Jeffrey
Panther (SA) 1974
Pedler (SA) 1979 Kym Pedler
Pee (VIC) 1968
Perkins (VIC) 1971
PeteBill (NSW) 1972 Built by Peter Cowan.
Phantom (SA) 1972 Built by Darryl Penhale.
Phantom (VIC) 1973 Mauri Fordham?
Pirana (TAS) 1972 Probably same as Piranha below?
Piranha (TAS) 1968
PKB (VIC) 1976
Porter (NSW) 1967
Predator (NSW) 1985 Built by Chris Lewis from US plans (First to use zero-roll suspension)
Proctor (NSW) 1967 Later renamed the Willart.
PWS (VIC) 1972
Quartly (NSW) 1969 Believed to be a modified Mako by Terry Quartly.
R A K (VIC) 1969 Ray Kelly?
Ranger (NSW) 1977 Built bu Alan Bermingham and 2 others (3 in total) One is named a GRanger
Red Vee (NSW) 1976
Re-De (NSW) 1967
Rennmax (NSW) 1965 (Mk1) / 1975 (Mk2) Builder Bob Britton
Revell (NSW) 1966 Built and raced by Aub Revell and son Neil
Reynolds (VIC) 1970 Believed to be an Elfin copy.
Riddell (VIC) 1967 Allan Riddell
Roma (TAS) 1969
RS/BCM (VIC) 1971 Probably a renamed CMS.
Sabre (VIC) 1973
Sandstock (TAS) 1979
Scarab (TAS 1965
Sceptre (NSW) 1967 Built by Ron Woodbridge.
Scorpion (NSW) 1988 Built by Keith Poole based on an Elphin
Sebring (TAS) 1967
Selby (NSW) 1983
Shrike (SA) 1973
Sioux (NSW) 1967 Believe to be a re-named Porter.
SRV (NSW) 1970 Built by Denis Riley and ? Smith.
Spectre Numerous chassis built by Peter Ward (to be confirmed)
Stag (SA) 1971 Built by Ron Tansell S.A based off of Elfin 500 chassis.
Standfast (NSW) 1966 Built by John Grant.
Stirling (VIC) 1973 Started life as a Venon and renamed in 78/79
Taipan (VIC) 1966
Tasman (TAS) 1968
Taylor McDonald (NSW) 1971 Wayne Taylor and Paul McDonald, also known as just Taylor.
Tee Vee (NSW) 1966 Lengthened Nota for Jim Bonthorne.
Tempest (VIC) 1969
Terapin (VIC) 1977
Tiger (SA) 1971
Tina (NSW) 1974 Built by Wal Shepherd.
Travers V (NSW) 1973 Shortland
Tribe (NSW) 1969 Written off and believe parts used for Moxon Vee
Trident (TAS) 1979
Trips (NSW) 1968 Built by Enno Buesselmann and his brother.
Trowbridge (TAS) 1972
Trowjim (TAS) 1971
Tur See Cur above (renamed)
Varsity (NSW) 1967 Believe to be a Nota chassis
Venom (VIC) 1975
Volker (TAS) 1968
Wilco (VIC) 1969
Willart (NSW) 1967 90% a Mako chassis copy with a modified Nota fitted around the early 70’s
Winemaster (VIC) 1972
Wirra (NSW) 1972
Wraith (NSW) 1985 David Cutts build similar to Elfin
Wright Prototype of the Avanti vees built by John Wright
Wyatt (VIC) 1968
Wybrad (VIC) 1969
Z Vee (VIC) Renamed Kingfisher