Technical Advice for Members
The Historic Formula Vee Class is sanctioned by CAMS and the Historic Formula Vee Association has undertaken to administer the class on a self administer basis in order to compete.
Historic Formula Vees are run under rules agreed and sanctioned by CAMS and the CAMS Historic Commission.
It is the HFVAA's responsibility to oversee the correct compliance of the cars as agreed with CAMS.
This means in effect that all of us as competitors and CAMS members as such do the correct thing in relation to the running and legality of the cars. Competing in the spirit of Historic Racing and respect for our fellow competitors is vitally important.
The rules are to be read accepting that this Formula is based upon standard Type 1 VW components with the various allowances and variations as agreed with CAMS.
This means quite a bit of reading and understanding of the current rules, particularly from section 3 onwards of Version 3 of our rules is required.
You also have to take into account the pre 1985 rules and for Va cars also the pre 1975 rules.
If after checking with the rules you still have queries then by all means ask.
The cars must run with Historic Sealing of the Engines and Gearbox. It is a contravention of the rules to compete in an Historic Formula Vee without the correct
seals intact, or to tamper with seals. When Sealing a component the Sealer will give the owner a copy of the sealing sheet, and I suggest it is wise to carry the current sealing sheets with you to race meetings in case of a query.
It is important that all members do not leave the Sealing of a Motor or Gearbox to the last minute prior to a meeting and expect a sealer to drop everything in their life to accommodate your problem.
A properly sealed component [Engine and gearbox] is required prior to competition.
If a seal is broken for some reason, a visit to a sealer will be necessary. A sealer should not be expected to compromise the sealing process to circumvent the good intention of the rules.
The current Technical Director (at this time that is myself), is not a sealer.
I like everybody else have to use a sealer to support the integrity of the system.
It is with much sadness that Frank Kleinig from Sydney who is an Historic Sealer and has been associated with Formula Vee virtually from its inception, has suffered a stroke. At this stage his state of health will not enable him to be of service to us. I am sure any of you who know Frank will be saddened by this news.
The requirement for exact period body work on our vehicles has proven difficult in practice to often re produce. Small changes over time, and in some cases the moulds used for re production have resulted in small changes to a vehicles appearance.
As vehicles have been presented for COD the Historic Eligibility Panel has been realistic in accepting small changes, and it is important for owners to keep the appearance and colour as per the COD. For those with a Gold COD even more important.
A revision of the rules took place in 2015 to clarify some areas of interpretation.
The main items some competitors will need to address is the allowed modification of the 1200 cc rockers, which in some cases due to differences of interpretation has been made easier to interpret.
The allowable fitting of a Fan warning device to the Fan Housing to avoid overheating should a fan belt fail. The topic of correct tension of the Fan Belt has been debated for a long time,
however in effect the rules state the Fan must operate normally, and as such finding a means to by-pass that rule could result in dispute.
The currently available non-genuine wheels in use have a different dimension between the Wheel Bolt Hole Taper Flange than an original VW type 1 wheel. As such this results in the standard length Wheel Bolt effectively being a bit short of thread length into the brake drums, made worse on the rear due to the fitting of the strengthening plate.
It is suggested that longer wheel bolts be fitted when these wheels are used.
Similar thread diameter longer length wheel bolts with a similar taper to fit the wheels can be used.
I understand some VW Golf, Passat and some Mercedes [ circa 1980- 1990- 1998 ] wheel bolts are ideal, however they will require thread shortening in most instances so internal fowling of the brake components does not occur.
It is important to check the threads in the Brake Drums to ensure they are not worn and sloppy and to correctly tension [ not over-tensioned ] the wheels at meetings, particularly with the Non Genuine wheels to ensure they are sufficiently tight.
It is important to make sure you have good gaskets affixed to the rocker cover itself, and particularly if you are using Chrome Covers. The Chrome covers should have the sealing surface roughened, as fixing to a shiny chrome finish has proven unreliable.
You should familiarise yourself with removing and re fitting a rocker cover correctly as checking of seals and rockers for compliance will occur more regularly than in the past, and not necessarily by someone like myself.
The Air Filter allowed is to be considered within the term air filter within the envelope. You may if you choose run without an air cleaner, at your own risk for any damage that may result.
A form of Ram tube design attached to the carburetor top has long been disallowed.
Valve Spring Retainers are to be VW genuine type 1 components, as we have not made an allowance in the rules to include an aftermarket type.
I suggest to all owners of an Historic Vee to always be on the lookout for parts as some people will throw away parts you or somebody else may require.
For those that need to talk to me my mobile number is 0439 855604.
Most times I shall answer promptly or return calls.
Don Greiveson.